Build & scale an
in-house marketing Department that delivers measurable results

Ditch the overwhelm and confusion. Gain control and scale your business with a consistent, measurable marketing department that gets results.

Look, Everyone Is Lying To You

The Silver Bullet Doesn’t Exist

It’s not a sexy pitch, but good marketing takes time.

Most agencies, coaches, and gurus — they’ll promise you the world, only to become a money sink.

We know what it actually takes to get results for any business.

So How Do You Win at Marketing?

Revenue-Scaling Strategy

A solid marketing plan removes all the guesswork and ensures you prioritize what moves the needle. We practically invented the concept — just ask the millions of businesses transformed by The 1-Page Marketing Plan.

Solid Foundations

With a clear target market and strong positioning, you stand out in the market, and you get far more returns on all the marketing you do.

Time-Saving Systems & Team

Have the freedom to stop working in the business and start working ON the business — while still increasing profits.

Then, Finally, You’re Ready To Turn On The Engine

Measuring your KPIs, knowing what to optimize, and drastically scaling your numbers.

Allan Pointing at you

“But I’m Not A Marketer, Shouldn’t I Just Hire An Agency?”

It’s tempting to outsource your marketing, but consider this:


Most agencies just plug in a templated service or formula and call it a day — without ever taking the time to understand your business and personalize your strategy.


You’re one of many clients on their books. If you're not spending millions of dollars on advertising, you won’t be their top priority, so you probably won’t get the results you deserve.


You’re helping build their intellectual property instead of your own.


You stop paying; you stop the lead flow — without the agency, you don’t have a business, which means you’re stuck in an awful hostage situation with very little room to pivot.

Instead, when you bring your marketing in-house…

Every dollar you spend benefits your business and your business alone. Not to mention, it's far easier to track where your money is going and what's coming back.

You keep all the marketing know-how (IP) inside your business, ultimately increasing its value.

You build a dedicated team whose sole focus is to make your business more successful.

You can to make and implement decisions much faster — which is critical to sustainable growth, especially in the current economy.

You’re more agile and can adjust your spending and tactics according to what your business's current needs.

Bringing marketing in-house  SAVES you money in the long run.


Lean Marketing Accelerator

A done-with-you program to supercharge your in-house marketing & grow a resilient, thriving, and autonomous business within one year.

Let us help you strategize, prioritize, and execute the 20% of your business that produces 80% of results.

Quantum Contract Solutions Built the Marketing System They Needed To Scale
“we had no website. no systems. no processes. and within a year, we’re basically a million dollar company.”

if you are...

Confident in what you sell — you know your product, service, or software is top-notch; it’s just a matter of getting it in front of people…

Ready to invest in yourself and guidance to potentially double or triple your revenue while halving your time…

Open to pushing the envelope and implementing what it takes to grow your business…

Willing to trust the process and execute consistently to  develop a powerful in-house marketing team.

You’re in a position to have the most profitable years your business has ever seen.

Our process works for anyone —
from solopreneurs and startups to businesses with 50+ million in revenue
Holloway Diamonds Went All In, Doubling Their Revenue to $9M in One Year
"your team is absolutely off the charts."
Over The Next Year, We’ll Help You Build...

Your 1-Page Marketing Plan Strategy

Most people go in guns blazing, thinking one or two tactics will bring in revenue — “This new website is gonna be a game-changer!” “Once I start ads, we’ll be charging!”

But you need a strategic game plan with different channels working towards a common goal.

So the first thing we do is create your 1-Page Marketing Plan.

You’ll know exactly which tactics to devote your time and resources and which metrics to measure.

You might say: “I’m just going to keep working on the strategy myself.”

Listen, we’re the strategy people. It’s literally how The 1-Page Marketing Plan came about.

But, planning is a slippery slope to procrastination. And strategy is only 4% of your marketing.

So, do you want to piece this together yourself, marinating on it for the next three months? Or do you want it done by a team of experts in a week?

Then you can start on the part of marketing that produces results - implementation, reiteration, and optimization.

Allan Pointing at you
“I basically can’t run my business without it”

“The 1PMP has been a staple with all my clients for the past two years. I work with a lot of first time small business owners who are in that five to seven year phase where they need to get out of doing work and build more teams. Who wanted to stop doing random acts of marketing religiously. So it's a piece in my process and it's the one piece that I feel absolutely provides the clarity and information they need. I don't live without it. I basically can't run my business without it.”

Aundrea De Leon
Business Consultant

Your Lean Foundations

There’s likely nothing wrong with some of the tactics you’re implementing.

But if your fundamental messaging and positioning are off, nothing will work.

Find a message and price point that aligns with the needs and wants of your target market and 10x the effectiveness of your website, ads, emails, and social posts.

We’ll deploy our 9-step messaging framework to build your upcoming campaigns and tactics on a solid foundation.

This step alone usually increases average order value, but many clients can also raise their prices because of increased perceived value.

You might say: “I’ve already done all of this — can we just get straight to tactics?”

We’ve worked with hundreds of clients. If you’re the first person who has it all figured out, we’re excited to meet you! We can immediately get started on the fun stuff!

But it’s really tough to do this for your own product.

Even here, with an entire team of marketing experts, we had to bring in an outside perspective until we nailed messaging that converted.

So, we’ll work with you until we find a message that allows you to stop competing on price and stand out in your marketing.

Allan Pointing at you
“I’ve Got A Full Pipeline Of Repeat Clients Interested In Additional Services"

“Using updated messaging and USP, we were able to upsell and close a repeat client contract this week for $4 million more! Plus I’ve got a full pipeline of repeat clients interested in additional services.”

Simon Forbes
Shaw & Partners

Your Lean Marketing System

From this point, most marketers and business owners immediately begin lead generation. It’s what everyone wants.

But getting more leads is, by far,  the most expensive part of marketing.

Most people pay to fill a leaky bucket (your website) with expensive bottled water (traffic).

So we need to plug the bucket.

We’ll ensure your website generates leads. We’ll set up a marketing CRM. We’ll build a system that works those new leads with or without you 24/7.

We’ll create a marketing system that produces more results out of less time and money.

You might say: “Wait, I just need more leads."

Listen: only 3% of people who come into contact with your business are ready to buy now.

So you lose 97% of the leads you’ve just paid for without proper infrastructure.  We don’t accept that.

This is what makes us different.

We know that infrastructure is what makes or breaks your marketing.

We insist on plugging that leaky bucket and building a lead-generating ecosystem that consistently tracks, nurtures, and converts leads 24/7.

Allan Pointing at you
“Adds Confidence to What We Do"

"We've 2xed both our website opt-ins and sales calls, and increased our conversion rates by 5%. We love our advisor. She's provided great insights, really adds a confidence factor to what we're doing, and removes the "are we on the right track or not" problem."

Frank Schaner
Home Science Tools

Your Lean Growth Engine

Once we master the first three phases, we’ll start doing what most people think of as marketing: campaigns, content, emails, advertising, etc.

We’ll prioritize your quarterly goals based on what drives revenue fastest.

It might involve increasing your average contract value, funnel optimization, lead gen, ads, campaigns, or whatever else you choose.

When the situation calls for it, we partner with some of the best in the industry (PPC, SEO, social media, etc.)  to give you in-depth guidance.

And we’ll track everything. Remember, what gets measured gets managed.

You might say: “I just need the strategy. I can figure this part out on my own.”

Success or failure comes from how well you execute – the implementation.

This is why online courses don’t work for most people.

There’s no one looking over your shoulder helping you course correct when you’re doing it wrong.

It’s why Harvard allows you to audit a class for free but charges exorbitant tuition to have a teacher review your work.

We’ll hold the hand of every respective department we work with as we implement each tactic, including copy correction, tech setups, campaign design, sales optimization… and whatever else you happen to be working on.

So you can have confidence that you're doing things correctly.

Allan Pointing at you
“We couldn’t Be happier"

“We've tried a lot of courses and this is the first time I feel really confident about what we're building. I love that we have internal marketing and system capabilities - this is how we will do things from here on out. I'm so happy we found Lean Marketing.”

Michael O’Grady
Valmond & Gibson

“How Am I Supposed To Have Time To Do All This?”

You’re a business owner — you have a million things to do. The last thing you need to be worried about is writing weekly content.

Marketing success depends on executing consistent daily, weekly, and monthly tasks. You need someone committed to doing this.

If you don’t have a marketer, we'll use our expertise, earned from hiring over 300 marketing coordinators, to place a doer in your business. We take over the entire process — all you have to do is choose the right candidate.

Already have a marketer on your team? We’ll upskill your marketing doer into a marketing thinker to help spearhead your company’s marketing strategy and lead the department on your behalf.

Lastly, we’ll work with your in-house marketing team over the entire year to ensure they perform, fit your culture, and get you what you want — more customers.

as we work together, you’ll see the small wins begin to stack up…
“We're already seeing new leads!”

“I’m enjoying working with my coach and feeling really optimistic. We’ve sorted out our target market, worked on our USP, and worked on our messaging. They’ve helped us with our customer journey. We’re already starting to see leads. The program is going really well so far.”

James Cash
Superfast IT
“Sold 10K worth of silver.”

"Allan’s coaches are amazing. We’ve sold 10k worth of silver, and it looks like the content strategy is putting in the work."

Richard Malik
Silver Token
“A half-million dollar launch in 3 days.”

"We had something like over 3K paid subscribers on day 1 and are already at 5300+ in three days since this paid beta launch. Lots of credit & kudos to you all. The strategy & implementation worked great. I think we’re already over a half-million dollar launch in 3 days.”

Nick Shaw
RP Strength
“We've tripled our open rate.”

"Just wanted to let you two know that we’ve tripled our email open rate. I also consistently get responses to my super sig. Plus, my welcome sequence is consistently generating responses."

Dr. Matt Klinger
Village FPT
“Best Black Friday we've ever had.”

“It was the best Black Friday we’ve ever had. We wrote 15 emails that brought in $200k. They also helped us make two awesome hires."

Julian Baccash
“Minds blown.”

"Sometimes our calls are uncomfortable for me, but it's like going to one of my fitness classes. It's not meant to be comfortable. I'm getting a lot out of these and feeling really confident about my marketing."

Christopher Cisneros
…snowballing into exponential growth, like with Carla rogers of evolve communities
"this program has been transformational. we've doubled our income and landed dream partnerships."
How We Work

Run at the speed you set

Since it's not a month-to-month program, we don’t drip content or hold anything back.

We’ll move as fast as you do.

We know building a fully functioning marketing department takes about a year. If you get through it faster, great. You have our support for the entire year.

And marketing never ends.

Our internal marketing goals board has a 5-year plan we’re working through!

Allan Pointing at you

World-class support from world-class advisors​

Our advisors are:

Industry veterans with a collective decades of marketing experience across multiple industries.

Entrepreneurs. Every advisor has run their own business and been in your shoes. They know what it’s like to make payroll and respect budgets.

Certified 1-Page Marketing Plan & Lean Marketing Experts extensively trained in my methodologies.

Individually mentored and advised by Allan Dib and Lean Marketing appointed CEO Anna Kloth.

PLUS: The entire consulting team reviews all strategic recommendations. Your business will regularly be assessed by a marketing review board of expert advisors.

Varying Levels Of Support To Meet You Where You’re At

Our standard program is for solopreneurs, individual service providers, and startups. It’s not just a cheaper option; it’s the level of marketing complexity.

In our more advanced programs (which you can upgrade to at any time), in addition to advanced strategy, you’ll receive:

A recurring, weekly 1:1 with your advisor & unlimited 15-minute calls for urgent reviews and advice between sessions.

Complimentary quarterly access to 3rd party experts to consult on copywriting, conversion rate optimization, website development, social, and more

Done-for-you hiring, client experience interviews, and team interviews.

But remember, there are no magic bullets.

Like buying a gym membership, you must commit to showing up and doing the work.

More Than Marketing

“marketing is doing too well! we need to shut it down so sales can keep up!”

Seriously. Multiple clients have said that.

Often, when marketing explodes, sales and operations can’t keep up.

That’s why we also help you with:

Company-wide team reorganization to plug gaps, create a better company culture & increase productivity while reducing strain.

Sales CRMs, systems, and sequencing to ensure your sales processes are efficient and to ensure you’re not leaving any money on the table.

Operations management, project management, client retention, and customer service – so you can make the most out of existing customers and assets.

And everything else your business needs to scale as seamlessly as possible.


Different Levels For Different Stages Of Business

Program Fee
Recommended ForCompanies with Marketing Teams or High Ticket (+100k) OffersCompanies with Product Market Fit Beginning To Build Out In-House Marketing

Startups & Solopreneurs

Startups & Solopreneurs

Lean Marketing Academy

Customized 1-Page Marketing Plan

8 Strategy Clinics/Week

Slack Support

1:1 Metric & Goal Review

Weekly 1:1 Intensive ConsultingWith a Senior Advisor

Done-for-You Hiring

Unlimited Support Calls30-mins15-mins--
Complimentary External Specialists


Pay Once, cry Once

Stop being cheap and screwing around with DIY.

It always ends in you paying way more in damage control — with both time and money.

In Allan’s first business, he spent a decade doing things through trial and error.

Had he hired the right person to mentor him, he could have shortened his marketing journey by nine years.

Instead, he wasted hundreds of thousands of dollars on marketing that was never going to work for his IT company. Not to mention the opportunity loss.

Our goal is for you to be self-sufficient. Eventually, you won’t need us, and that’s what we want!

Pay once, cry once, and wipe those tears with profits.

See If It's A Fit
“I've been burned by so
many consultants"

“Allan and his team are the ONLY vendor where I smile when writing the check. I feel stupid I didn’t sign up with you all earlier. I feel like I’ve gotten my life back.”

Joseph Ialacci
Yacht Hampton

How much should you budget for?

We’ll help with strategic decisions necessary to generate more revenue, an overarching plan for compound growth, and hiring the right team.

But we cannot be your entire marketing budget.

In our standard plan, you’ll have to do most of the marketing and system set up until you’re ready to hire someone to implement the marketing for you. We recommend hiring a VA or copywriter per project basis to keep moving forward.

At the Gold Tier, for example we recommend setting aside at least $70,000 – $100,000 to devote to marketing for the year (inclusive of our consulting fee, an employee dedicated to marketing, and other marketing expenses).

on the fence?


We’ll only work with you if we think the Lean Marketing Accelerator would be a profitable investment for your company.

If you’re thinking, “now’s not the right time,” you can continue doing things the hard way – piecing things together on your own.

But you’d be wasting time — your most valuable resource.

Join the hundreds of entrepreneurs and business owners who’ve taken the leap, gotten expert guidance, and are now enjoying more revenue, more autonomy, and a more resilient business.

“Do You Offer Financing Options?” And Other Smart Questions
Do you offer financing options?
Do you accept equity as payment?
What if I don’t have the budget to hire someone yet?
Your advisor suggested a Gold or Platinum level; can I just do Standard instead? What's the difference?
My business is in trouble. I need to make money fast. Can you help?
How do we know we’re moving fast enough?
I don’t want to sign up for a year. Can I choose a shorter term?
What happens after a year?
Can I move between service levels if needed?
What are some examples where your consulting hasn't worked and why?
How would you measure return on investment?
How much time do I need to commit weekly?
Can I speak with any of your existing clients?
Have you worked with companies in my country or industry before?
The primary language of my target market isn’t English. Can you still help?
What is the typical group call size?
Can you guarantee this will work?
Why does this program take a year?
What do the weekly group clinic calls cover?
Do you provide refunds?
What if I don’t like my advisor, or want to work with someone specific?
How much should I budget for my other marketing expenses?
How quickly can I expect to see an ROI?