About us, About you

Marketing is the master skill of business. Without a marketing strategy and infrastructure, your business stalls...or worse.

With effective marketing, everything changes. Startups gain traction, businesses stalled on growth plateaus smash through them, and already very successful companies reach even higher levels of success.

If any of these things sound similar to your goals, then you’re in the right place.

On many “About Us” pages you’ll find the usual “professional” sounding fluff about “values”, “our mission”, “our vision”, “best of breed products,” and many other superficial buzzwords. Then there's the stock photos of people in suits high-fiving each other or shaking hands. Ugh!

Of course, we do have values we are proud of, a mission that drives us and an exciting vision, but we’d much rather show you than tell you.

It means so much more when someone walks the walk rather than just talking the talk. So here’s the deal. Whether you’re already a successful entrepreneur who just wants to level up or if you’re just starting out, you need to master marketing.

Marketing is the rocket fuel 🚀 behind high-growth businesses. When you know how to use marketing to reliably bring in new prospects, leads, and customers into your business, you’ll achieve your business goals much faster...and have a lot more fun along the way.

However, marketing has become complex, difficult and expensive. You keep being told to do and spend more and more. It's overwhelming.

That's why we've pioneered a lean approach to marketing where you get bigger and better results with less marketing.

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About Allan Dib

Founder of Lean Marketing

Hey, thanks for checking me out.

I'm not from a traditional marketing background. In fact, in my first business, I struggled a lot with marketing and sales. Being unable to effectively communicate my message and the value I brought in a way that compelled people to buy was extremely frustrating.

Marketing is a skill, and like any skill, it can be learned. When, through expensive experience, I learned this skill, my business and my world changed.

As a result, I've built, scaled, and exited two technology companies, one of which was named in the top 100 fastest-growing companies in the country. I've fought in the trenches and have battle scars and victory medals. I wear both proudly.

I've written two bestselling marketing books. These are the books I wish I had when I was first learning marketing.

Huffington Post called my book, The 1-Page Marketing Plan, one of the “10 Best Marketing Books.” It has been translated into over 30 languages and changed the way over a million businesses globally are marketing.

I founded Lean Marketing to help entrepreneurs and business leaders shortcut the difficult and expensive trial and error process and master marketing.

Picture of allan
Allan has been featured or quoted in:
Allan’s book is being used as a more practical textbook at these universities:

To learn  about the strategies and tactics Allan has used, to build high growth businesses…

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