How to Attract the Best Clients Using Scorecard Marketing

We all want better clients, right?

Clients that take action, get things done and get incredible results in the process.

The question is, how can you find these perfect clients?

In this article, we’re going to walk you through how to use Scorecard Marketing to attract the very best clients who are eager to work with you and take action.

Why scorecard marketing graphic

Ideal clients

All clients are different, and their businesses are often unique. This makes targeting your ideal clients extremely difficult. Especially if they:

  • Are spread across different niches
  • Have completely different goals
  • Have different sets of challenges

Oftentimes, you might speak to potential clients on the phone, and you might know very little about them. You or your team will have to ask a lot of questions to establish whether or not they are the right fit for you and whether you can help them.

The only problem with this is that it takes time.

Let's look at the numbers…

Let’s say you have 10 sales calls booked for the week ahead.

  • 2 people don’t show up for the sales call
  • 3 people don't have the right budget
  • 2 people aren’t ready to buy your service
  • 1 person feels like they’d be too demanding and hard work
  • 2 people buy from you

80% of your time would lead to nothing. Only 2 out of 10 people become a client.

Yes…this is pretty scary, but it’s also quite common for sales teams.

This is exactly why you need to understand your potential clients better before you speak to them.

What is Scorecard Marketing?

Scorecard marketing allows you to assess your clients before you work with them (or even speak to them). This puts you at a unique advantage going into a sales call.By using a Scorecard, you can ask your prospect specific questions about them and their business to help you determine who is a good fit and who isn’t.It works for a number of reasons:

  1. It shows that you care about doing business with the right people, which builds trust
  2. It allows you to filter out the good leads from the bad, which saves you time
  3. It makes your prospect more committed because they have to spend a little time thinking and answering your questions

Ultimately, it puts you back in control of the conversation and gives you some vital data about your leads. This makes your sales conversations much more meaningful.

Wait…why would a prospect take a scorecard?

The reason Scorecards work so well is because your prospects get a reward for taking part.

As the name suggests, Scorecards allow your audience to get a SCORE when they take part.

  • They answer a series of quick questions that tell you about them and their current situation
  • They get a score based on their answers so they can see how knowledgeable they are
  • You get lots of interesting data that you can talk about when you speak to them

Some of the questions you ask will allow you to score the person on their knowledge, and some of the questions will be for you and your sales team to establish how qualified they are to work with you.

Our Marketing Scorecard

We actually built our own scorecard called The Marketing IQ quiz, which helps our visitors uncover the missing pieces in their business and optimize for exponential growth. This scorecard is great for lead generation and pre-qualification.

As humans, we all love to score ourselves. We love trivia quizzes and game shows because we get to test our knowledge. We obsess over sporting events that are all based on scores and winning. We all want to be the best and know the most so we can feel proud of ourselves.

This is why scorecards and quizzes work so well. They tap into that deep routed need for validation and accomplishment. Let's make sure we allow our customers to scratch that itch.

How to build your own scorecard graphic

How you can build your own scorecard

Now that you know why Scorecard Marketing works so well, now’s the time to make a quiz for your business. There are four parts to the perfect quiz/scorecard, which we’ll walk you through below.

1. Concept

Ask yourself, how do you help people to achieve their goals, or what do your services allow people to do?

  • If you’re a fitness trainer, it might be to “lose weight.”
  • If you’re a marketing agency, it might be to “Become more visible online.”
  • If you’re a financial advisor, it might be to “Retire early. ”

You can use these goals as the name or concept for your scorecard.

Using the financial advisor example, you could say, “Discover your financial freedom score. Answer these 10 questions and find out when you’ll be able to retire.”

This kind of scorecard works well because it presents an end goal that you know your audience are trying to accomplish.

2. Landing Page

Your scorecard landing page is very important. Even if your audience already know, like and trust you, you still need to present them with a clear and obvious benefit for them to take the scorecard.

Using a nice clean design with some compelling copy is good enough to get your visitors to begin your scorecard and start answering your questions.

3. Questions

Your scorecard questions could be broken down into two categories.

  • Questions that help you score your audience so they can test their knowledge
  • Questions that help your team understand more about the person and how qualified they might be to work with you

All of the questions you ask should be simple and easy to answer so that you don’t lose people’s interest along the way.

Consider asking questions that will help you determine who is the best fit for your business. These kinds of questions can help with that:

  • How much do you spend on marketing/coaching/development at the moment?
  • How many team members do you have?
  • What’s your current turnover?
  • What’s your target turnover next year?

Using the answers to these questions, you’ll be able to see who is more able to afford your products and services and who might struggle.

4. Results Page

Once someone has completed your scorecard, you take them to a results page. Your scorecard results page allows you to do two things really well.

  1. You provide information about a person’s score and how well they did
  2. You provide valuable insights and resources to help them improve their situation

Based on the person's score, you can now present specific content that’s relevant to them. This means you can add different content and advice if someone scores lower vs higher vs somewhere in the middle.

If you use the results page to educate your audience and improve their knowledge, they will feel more empowered, and they’ll be more likely to take action.

Having all four parts of a scorecard will allow you to craft the perfect lead generation and qualification tool. Using quiz software like ScoreApp, you can build your entire scorecard quickly and easily.

Back to the sales call

Having someone go through the scorecard first before a sales call, means:

  • They are more likely to attend the call because they have received some value first
  • They’ll be more eager because they feel empowered and ready to get started
  • They probably won’t have as many questions because you’ve already provided some education as part of the scorecard
  • They’ll trust you so much more going into the sales call because you’ve taken the time to explore their challenges, needs and goals

Overall, scorecards make the sales process much easier and more efficient for everyone.

Should you use a scorecard within your sales process?

After reading this article, I’m sure you can see how beneficial it would be to include a scorecard as part of your sales process.

Scorecards allow you to gather vital data from your prospects whilst building trust at the same time. It’s the perfect tool for anyone who’s looking to attract the best quality clients that have the right budget and take action.

If you want to build a scorecard for your business, try ScoreApp. They offer a 14-day free trial, and they have over 20 pre-built templates to speed up the process.

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