Rich Entrepreneur, Poor Entrepreneur

You've been hypnotized to fail.

If you're anything like me, you grew up in a working-class family of modest means. Maybe just like me, you constantly heard phrases like:

"Money doesn't grown on trees."

"Do you think I'm a millionaire or something?"

"They're rich because they're greedy."

The thing I envied most about kids who were raised by rich parents wasn't the material trappings, it was the money mindset.

It took me a long time to figure out that money is made in the mind long before it hits the bank account.

It took me even longer to rewire my brain from poor to rich.

I'm in the advice business. I hear from and talk to entrepreneurs from all walks of life.

The difference in money mindset between poor and rich entrepreneurs is stark.

When I say "poor" or "rich," I'm not necessarily talking about their current bank balance. Two entrepreneurs may have the exact same revenue, profit, or bank account balance, and it's usually pretty obvious which one will stagnate and which one will massively grow.

Last week, I saw this stark contrast between rich and poor entrepreneurial mindsets firsthand.

I received messages from two different entrepreneurs.

Both are struggling with a similar problem.

Both have similar revenue levels (in different industries).

Both make similar profits.

Rich entrepreneur: Hey thx for the time on Tuesday, really appreciate it. As I mentioned, I'm currently reading [book name redacted] and [book name redacted] and working my way through [course name redacted]. I want to make sure I haven't missed anything, let me know if there are any other resources I should be aware of to fix [problem].

Poor entrepreneur: Hi Allan, my challenge at the moment is [problem]. I've been considering [course name redacted] for a long time, but it's a big financial and time commitment, and I don't want to make a mistake. What do you think?

In a year, two years, five years, who do you think will be further along?

If you had no other information, who would you bet on?

I'm not throwing shade.

I spot it because I got it.

I've been there — umming and erring about something that, had I taken action on, would have saved me YEARS and made me a fortune.

But thankfully, I've rewired my mind.

Now I have a virtually unlimited budget for books, courses, and experts because it's like a cheat code for my life and business.

What personal or business problem are you currently struggling with that you've underinvested in?

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