A Beginner's Guide To Marketing Your Business

Why You Need To Master Marketing Your Business

Marketing Your Business Is The Key To Rapid Growth. Here’s How To Get More Customers And Scale Your Small Business...Without Spending A Fortune On Advertising

There is an endless array of hype, half-truths, and misinformation when it comes to business marketing.

Everyone seems to have an opinion, yet very few have actual experience creating marketing campaigns that do what they’re supposed to do: make money!

It’s no wonder many small to medium business owners are confused and often end up doing nothing at all.

However, ignoring marketing in your business is a recipe for disaster. Doing so will severely stunt the growth of your business.

Why Learning Marketing Is Smart For Every Business Owner

Here’s the deal: you need to master marketing if your business is going to grow rapidly.

Even if your hiring someone else to do your marketing for you, you still need to be able to recognize the difference between a good marketing strategy and a poor one so that you don’t waste your money on something that won’t work.

Don’t wait until your product is perfect or until “you have more time” or until the stars all line up for you. The time to get started on learning and doing business marketing is today!

Do You Want to Grow Your Business Rapidly?

Then you need to market it. But not just any marketing will do. In the Lean Strategy Course, I show you the exact techniques I've used to start, grow, and exit several multi-million dollar businesses, so you can too.

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Stylized illustration of a 1-Page Marketing Plan.

Getting Started: How To Market Your Business The Right Way

OK, before we dive into the nitty gritty, let’s consider the big picture so that we’re working from a reliable marketing blueprint or “plan.” I go into detail about creating your marketing plan. There’s even five examples which you can use to get your creative juices flowing.

How To Create A Sophisticated Marketing Plan In 9 Steps

First of all, you need to understand direct response marketing and how to create compelling copy. These messages are critical to getting your target audience to take action:

What Is Direct Response Marketing?

What Is Emotional Direct Response Copywriting?

Next, you need a totally new way of thinking about your “marketing budget” (good news: you don’t need a big one):

How To Have An Unlimited Marketing Budget

There’s also a huge mistake you need to avoid. Here’s a hint, it’s the number 1 mistake almost all small business owners make when they start marketing their business):

Why Marketing Like A Large Company Will Kill Your Business

Many business owners think they need to focus on branding. For me, branding is something that happens after a sale. If you’d like to grasp the basics of branding, you’ll want to read this:

What Is A Brand?

Choosing Your Target Market

Ok now that you’ve got some theory under your belt and understand the big picture, the next step is to choose a target market.

As counterintuitive as it may seem, it’s vital to ensure your marketing isn’t too broad. Here’s why:

The Riches Are In the Niches

Don’t get fooled into thinking that as long as you have a great product it will sell itself. That simply isn’t true! But the good news is there’s a cheap and easy way to ensure that your product or service will be a success:

How To Launch A New Product With A High Probability Of Success

Implement Lead Generation Marketing

A lot of marketing advice focuses on fuzzy concepts like “branding” and “getting your name out there.” However, to get a measurable return on investment, you need lead generation marketing.

As basic as it may sound, the purpose of your marketing is to generate qualified leads.  But how do you find and target only high probability prospects? Use “The Visible Target Technique” to sift, sort, and screen:

How To Generate Leads With The Visible Target Technique

A great way to attract high-quality leads is to create a lead magnet or what I like to call a cornerstone piece of content. My book, The 1-Page Marketing Plan, is my lead magnet. You can create something similar like an e-book, a report, a downloadable PDF, or whatever. To get you started, check out my how-to guide now:

How To Create A Lead Magnet That Converts In 6 Steps

How To Research, Write, and Publish Cornerstone Content

Marketers who use traditional “interruption marketing” are seen by prospects as a pest. However, lead generation marketing is all about prospects seeing and treating you as a welcome guest. Here’s the secret to making this vital transformation (your business success depends on it):

Marketing Strategies For Small Businesses

The problem with a lot of advertising is that it’s often vague and self-focused. Good lead generation advertising has a very clear call to action and focuses squarely on the prospect and the problem they’re having, rather than being focused on you:

Marketing On Purpose

If you want to market on purpose, then you need to choose the best media to reach your target audience. LinkedIn is the ultimate B2B lead-generating network. 50% of all social media traffic to business websites comes from LinkedIn, so it needs to be part of your marketing strategy. Here’s how you can start to build your profile, get more engagement, and grow your business:

How To Craft A Lead-Generating LinkedIn Post

Building Your Marketing Follow Up Machine

Once you’ve captured qualified leads, the next step is to put them into your marketing machine and follow them up in a systematic manner.

Many businesses do “random acts of marketing.” On the other hand, smart business owners build marketing assets and infrastructure which they can use over and over again. Here’s how to build your own marketing infrastructure:

Building A Marketing Infrastructure

10 Marketing Assets Small Businesses Need To Build

A good follow up system is all about building a relationship with your prospects and giving them value. If you position yourself as an expert and a voice of value, prospects will actually WANT to hear from you on a regular basis.

Becoming A Voice Of Value

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