How to Build Strong Work Culture in Your Virtual Team

Ever worked for a bosshole? Maybe you were one?

If you can't help micromanaging employees or showing signs of frustration at work, I hear you. Perhaps you're having a bad day, or you have your own personal reasons.

But let me tell you this: Business problems don't exist. You probably have personal problems that reflect in your business.

And this is what embodies work culture. Work culture trickles down from you (the boss) as the person at the top of the chain, down to the rest of the team.

In this blog, I'll help you understand how work culture affects you and your company. I’ll also share some tips on how you can build a work environment that works best for your team.

The Impact of Work Culture

Happy teams are everything

Like I said, culture trickles down from the top.

This means your attitude and personality shape your company’s or organization’s work culture.

Bossholes are poor leaders. Their sole focus is to make themselves look good. And this results in an unhappy workforce.

When you have an unhappy team, there’s often a domino effect. They're not motivated to work hard, productivity slows down, profitability plummets.

In my experience, happy teams are everything. When you provide a sense of vision, purpose, and inspiration to your team, they'll aim to please you and help you hit your goals. And I think that's important.

So how can you make sure you’re building a great work culture? Just follow these five top tips.

5 Ways to Build a Strong Work Culture

1. Check in regularly.

Whether you're the boss or the team leader, you must at least schedule weekly check-ins with your team. Aside from discussing projects, the goal is to see how people are doing. Make them feel like you're willing to listen and address concerns. This will help you to keep your finger on the pulse of your business.

2. Set goals with your team.

Your team isn't only supposed to pull levers, follow your orders, whatever. Make sure you involve them in setting quarterly goals. They know better than anyone else when it comes to what they can achieve.

There are so many companies that set ridiculous goals that demotivate their teams. Why? They're unrealistic and there's no hope hitting them.

So here's what you can do. Before every quarter starts, you can ask each team member to share the goals they want to achieve. You can review them together and decide whether to tweak them or leave them as is.

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3. Offer opportunities to learn new skills.

Believe it or not, money isn’t always the biggest motivator. Big paychecks are just one of the things that can make your team happy and in it for the long haul. I’ve found that creating more opportunities for your team to learn new skills is the most empowering thing I can do as a boss.

If your team realizes that you want them to grow and upskill, they'll do great work for you and they won't want to leave.

4. Celebrate wins.

Celebrate wins

As the boss or the team leader, it's imperative that you provide constructive feedback, correct mistakes, whatever. But at the same time, you must also celebrate wins—whether they’re big or small. This boosts employee morale and strengthens bonds with one another.

You can send a short compliment or a celebratory GIF through email or your group chat. Your team will love it. Recognition feels good. It’s that simple.

5. Be aware and track stress levels.

A happy team thrives on a manageable and healthy workload. So it's important to be at least aware of what's on their plate, how they're doing, and if they’re capable of handling the job.

When your team's always stressed out, they'll struggle to deliver quality work. Their decision-making abilities will also be dulled.

If you think someone has been swamped for quite some time, reprioritize certain tasks or hire another person to handle the extra workload.

Creating a Work Culture for Success

Every company has its own culture. And as the boss or team leader, establishing your company’s work culture falls on your shoulders. Positive work environments don’t just happen on their own, you’ve got to be VERY intentional in building them.

The most successful companies cultivate their work culture over time with  as the endgame. They treat their teams with mutual trust, respect, and empathy.

So use these five tips to create a positive work environment and let me know how it goes. It’s one of the reasons my business is so successful, so I‘d love to hear how it affects your company’s productivity and profit.

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