accelerator AHA! Moments

Gaining Clarity and Building a Scalable Marketing Engine in Just Two Months

Software company providing management solutions for gyms and fitness studios, based in Mexico


Rodrigo Alfaro, owner of Gymforce, recognized that his business had plateaued. While proficient in product development and delivery, he lacked the marketing skills to scale beyond his current 250 clients.

Over-reliance on Meta ads and an untapped CRM system hindered his ability to systematically generate new customers. He envisioned Gymforce transitioning to a true SaaS model with a robust in-house marketing department.


Rodrigo joined the Lean Marketing Accelerator and began working with advisor Nate. In just two months, they completed the crucial initial steps: conducting client experience interviews, defining their target market and messaging, crafting a compelling offer, and, most impactful for Rodrigo, mapping out the customer journey. This provided the foundation for building a scalable marketing engine.


Customer Journey Clarity

Mapping the customer journey provided Rodrigo with a clear understanding of his customers' needs and touch points, enabling him to create targeted marketing campaigns.

Engaging Email Sequences

Based on the customer journey map, Rodrigo is developing automated welcome and lead nurturing email sequences to re-engage warm leads and nurture new prospects.

Website Development Underway

With a solid marketing plan in place, Gymforce is now building a new website optimized for lead generation and customer conversion, setting the stage for future growth.

At a glance


  • Marketing bottleneck
  • Reliance on Meta Ads
  • Untapped CRM potential


  • Clear customer journey
  • Targeted email sequence
  • Website development underway

Rodrigo Alfaro

Owner, Gymforce

“Ever since I did the customer journey mapping, things became so much clearer to me...I'm creating the sequences...I definitely see now that sequences and everything like that are important.”